The Tax Research Network blog provides a home for short posts on cutting edge topics in tax research and education. We welcome tax and adjacent topics from all academics and TRN members (including early-career researchers).
The Tax Research Network is the leading institution for tax research and education in the UK and has a large following worldwide. Please click here for further information about the organisation.
Contributor guidelines
If you would like to contribute a blog post on any topic connected to tax scholarship, contact the editors Sara Closs-Davies and Dominic de Cogan. The following guidelines should be followed for all contributions:
- Submit from your academic or professional email address.
- Use Microsoft Word format.
- Limit the post to 2,000 words including footnotes and references.
- Include a title at the top of the post.
- Provide details of author affiliation.
- Provide a high-resolution profile photo to be included with the blogpost.
- Provide a 2- to 3-line biography, including, if possible, links to your institutional profile.
- Ensure that you follow proper academic practice including full citation.
- Do not submit material that has already been published in another blog or similar forum.
The editors retain absolute discretion to decide whether to publish the post without revisions, to reject it outright or to discuss revisions with the authors.
We expect to publish approximately one to two blogposts per month. If there is likely to be a delay in publication we will discuss this with authors after submission.
Whilst we welcome engagement with blogposts, comments will be turned off during the trial period of this blog. We expect to review this policy in due course. However, in the meantime you are welcome to discuss the content of blogposts on Twitter, LinkedIn or other social media.
Copyright in blog posts remains with individual authors, to whom any requests to republish should be addressed.
The opinions contained in blog posts are those of the authors, not of Tax Research Network Ltd, its officers, editors or members. This is an academic resource: content of the blog posts does not represent either tax or legal advice. If you need advice on tax matters, please contact a qualified advisor.