Roehampton 2016

The 25th Annual Tax Research Network Conference

Main Conference 1-2 September 2016, Roehampton University, London

Conference organiser Professor Rebecca Boden and the conference committee are pleased to announce the TRN’s 25th annual conference at the University of Roehampton, London.

The TRN’s 25th annual conference will be held on 1-2 September 2016 at the University of Roehampton, London. Roehampton is well-situated in one of London’s leafiest corners and overlooks Richmond Park — the largest Royal Park in London. The conference will meet in one of the University’s elegant Georgian mansions, and excellent quality accommodation at low cost is available, adjacent to the venue. (see

Over many years the TRN’s annual conference has provided a vital forum for the presentation and discussion of leading edge tax research. The ever-increasing public debate about taxation, as a result of heightened sensitivities following the recession, provides us with an invaluable opportunity to make a contribution based on rigorous research. The conference remains an exceptionally multidisciplinary event and will particularly interest accountants, lawyers, economists, sociologists, historians and a wide variety of other scholars from the social sciences and humanities.

The  call for papers is now live, and extended abstracts should be received by 29 February 2016 in order to be considered. Full details can be found here.

Registration and accommodation booking details will be available in due course.

We look forward to seeing you there.