The 24th Annual Tax Research Network Conference
Main Conference 9 & 10 September 2015, Hull University Business School
Conference organiser Professor Jane Frecknall-Hughes and TRN Chair Professor Kevin Holland are pleased to announce that the TRN’s 24th annual conference will be held on 9 and 10 September 2015 at Hull University Business School. As in earlier years, the main conference will be preceded by an Early Career Researcher day on 8 September, also in Hull.
Call for papers
The conference will take place in the Nidd Building in the Business School, which is located on the main University campus. En-suite accommodation for Conference presenters and participants will be available at the Lawns Centre, which is a short distance from the main campus. Transport will be provided between the sites. For details of the Lawns Centre, please see this link:
Booking and accommodation is now open! Please book your tickets on the Hull University website.
You are cordially invited to submit a paper for this Conference. Whilst there is no specific theme, papers which are well grounded theoretically and/or innovative and interesting empirically are particularly sought. The Conference remains an exceptionally multidisciplinary event and will particularly interest accountants, lawyers, economists, sociologists, historians and a wide variety of other scholars from the social sciences and humanities.
Proposals for papers must be sent to Professor Jane Frecknall-Hughes by 30 April 2015 *extended date*. The proposal should take the form of an extended abstract of between 1,500 and 2,000 words. You will be notified whether or not your paper is accepted by 31 May 2015. Full versions of accepted papers must be submitted by 10 August. Please do not hesitate to contact Jane if you have any queries (
As in prior years, the Conference will be preceded by a Workshop for Early Career Researchers/PhD Students. The requirements for submission of papers for the Workshop on 8 September are the same as for the Annual Conference, so please specify when submitting your abstract whether you would like to present at the Conference or the Workshop.
There will be a full registration fee and accommodation charge waiver for one presenter of each paper for both the Conference and Workshop. I do hope that you will consider submitting an abstract and help to make the 2015 conference a success.
Jane Frecknall-Hughes
Conference organiser
Address for submission of abstracts:
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