Request for tax transparency survey participants

December 16, 2021

This is a call out to support our research, as part of a project being undertaken by Newcastle University Business School (UK), Sheffield University Management School (UK), Schulich School of Business at York University(Canada) and PWYP Norway and funded by Norad (the Norwegian Agency for Development Cooperation).

We are doing a survey on behalf of a Norwegian development fund (NORAD). The survey focuses on ‘investor’ perceptions of corporate tax transparency.

We are interested in feedback from any investor (broadly defined) and those who represent or provide information for investor communities. Tax expertise is unnecessary. The survey should take 20 minutes to complete and respondents need only complete sections applicable to them or so as to reflect experience of particular aspects. We think it important to garner perceptions in this area, very important in the current context.

We would be delighted if you could complete it yourself. We would also very much appreciate it if you could circulate/snowball this throughout your network (noting the wide scope of potential respondents).

The link to follow to complete the survey:

Thanks in advance for your consideration, 

Yours Truly,

Professor Jim Haslam (on behalf of Mona Thowsen, Louise Crawford and Makini McGuire-Brown)

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